Collectibles workshop

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Please read Substrate to Polkadot SDK page first.

The Substrate Developer Hub provides self-paced workshops with content and coding challenges to help you learn about building blockchains and decentralized applications using Substrate, Rust, and related tools.

As you progress through the workshops, you’ll learn basic concepts, see examples of what to do, and test your knowledge by converting what you’ve learned into working code. No coding experience is required (but it doesn’t hurt to have some).

Workshops assume that you are familiar with a few basic Substrate concepts and terms. If you aren’t quite ready to try the workshops, explore the simpler Build application logic tutorials for a more guided introduction to developing with Substrate.

Road map

Depending on your interests and ambitions, you might want to follow different pathways through the tutorials, workshops, and other documentation. The road map suggests some alternatives for the journey based on where you are and where you're going. Find the path that fits your passion.

Custom pallets and runtime logic

Smart contract development

The road map and workshop content are still to be determined. In the meantime, you can use the following resources to learn more about ink! and writing smart contracts for Substrate-based chains.

Parachain development and deployment lifecycle

The road map and workshop content are still to be determined. In the meantime, you can use the following resources to learn more about parachain development and deployment.

Future workshops

Currently, only the first part of the Runtime and pallets workshop is available. Plans for part two—covering the basics of front-end development for the application—are underway. Part three of the Runtime and pallets workshop will introduce benefits and strategy for moving a solo chain application to a parachain test environment.

Future workshops are planned to cover smart contract development and the parachain development and deployment lifecycle. If you'd like to suggest workshop topics or contribute workshop content, submit an issue or create a pull request.